Bounce, bounce, bounce, goes the ball. Hitting the patio, over and over again. It’s not me. It’s not my son. Despite it being the hottest day of the year so far, we are locked up, inside the house. “You’re clever and intelligent but sometimes you do stupid things. Don’t do the stupid thing today.” The ball…
Articles by Ellamental Mama
Am I Racist?
I always assumed I wasn’t racist. I mean, most people assume they’re aren’t – right? Apart from those crazy right wingers but I’m not one of them. I mean, are you a racist? I’m guessing you’d say no. Well, I hope you would as I’m assuming my blog isn’t too popular with the extreme right. When I…
Reality vs Expectations: My Easter Weekend Away
Holiday times seem to be what we all live for. It’s been a tough few months (more about that in upcoming blogs) so I was super excited when a friend invited us camping. The plan was to go down the night before and stay in a hostel so we’d be there when the rest of…
I Can’t Control My Child: The Secret of Motherhood
It’s every parent’s nightmare isn’t it – a tearaway kid – but if I’m honest, I can’t control my child. I often find myself worrying what others think about my lack of parental control. I’m sure it’s a fear of mums everywhere, but sometimes I worry that, as a single mum, the judging will flow more…
Rio Ferdinand: Being Mum and Dad
There weren’t many dry eyes amongst those of us who watched Rio Ferdinand: Being Mum and Dad. I haven’t experienced the death of a close relative, even the prospect of it scares the hell out of me. Rio Ferdinand: Being Mum and Dad isn’t a documentary only about grief though, it shows many of the universal truths about unchosen single…
A Letter To My Mum On Mother’s Day
Dear mum, We’re a funny old pair, me and you. I bring the funny, you bring the old – obviously. We’re no good at affection – not to each other anyway. There have been so many times when I’ve waved you off with little one and said, “do you want to tell nanny you love…
Thinking About Becoming A Single Mum By Choice
I’m a divorced mum to an only child, it’s a far cry from the life I had imagined for myself: four children and a partner to boot was how it was supposed to end. It only takes an innocent photo of friends’ children playing and bickering (oh yes, I’m realistic) to set my womb on fire.…
Everyone Hates Me
“Everyone hates me,” I sobbed through the phone. It was 11pm on Sunday evening and I’d called my mum because, let’s face it, who else can you call at 11pm when you’re a blubbering mess*. “Don’t be stupid” she said. It didn’t help. As I write this I want to say I didn’t used to…
When My Son Wears A Skirt and Other Sexist Stories
My son is a car loving, hello kitty bike riding, tutu wearing, underwater swimming, rough and tumble caring boy who is as eclectic as he is lovely. When he was younger, although the sexist comments bothered me I was able to protect him from much of it. I made sure that the way I raised my son gave him…
Single Mum Dating: The Ups and Downs
I’m a single mum dating and life couldn’t be better. I opened the door quietly, I didn’t want to wake the babysitter my dad. It was a Saturday at 3am, it was surprising enough that I was awake for a reason other than a toddler jumping on my head, let alone the reason being that I was returning…