Trigger warning: this post talks about abuse. When my son was breastfeeding today he pointed at my nipple and said ‘dirty’ (it had kind of wrinkled up). ‘No, it’s clean’, I replied, slightly surprised by his comment but not too phased. Then it struck me, I actually meant it. For the first time in my…
Articles by Ellamental Mama
The Emotional Cycle When My Toddler Learnt to Scale His Cot
My toddler learnt to scale his cot. Seriously, why don’t they warn you about this? I think this is on a par with the pain of childbirth. 1. Annoyance. Let’s not underestimate this one folks, it is fucking annoying. You will now spend hours of your life returning them to their cot over and over…
Separation – Why Us?
You often hear people say that a new baby puts a strain on a marriage, so I guess you won’t be surprised to hear that approximately 20% of relationships end in separation following the arrival of a baby*. But why do some survive and others not? I used to put it down to attitude. Do…
5 Top Tips For Single Parents
People always ask me, “How do you cope”? I hate that question. If I had a choice I’d choose not to bloody well cope. I’d choose to lie in bed But little ones tend to object (trust me, I’ve tried) so I have to cope. But incase you were wondering how, here are my…
Single Mum and Struggling: It’s Not You, It’s Me
Dear son, I’ve been having one of those days today. Well, I’ve been having it most days lately. You know the ones. Where you won’t do anything I ask. Where you run in the opposite direction and climb on the table at every given opportunity. And I just want to scream because it’s so bloody…
New Years Fails: 5 Down, 360 To Go
It wasn’t a great start to the new year. Five days in and I’m already failing big. Here are my top new years fails so far this year. #1. Catching my son eating soil from the flower pot present thing I got for Christmas (see photo), only for him to insist it was chocolate. What crappy…
10 Truths About My Single Mum Holiday With A Toddler
I understand now why people thought I was bonkers when I said I was off backpacking round south east Asia with my toddler. Single mum holiday with a toddler – what could possibly go wrong? Now I’m back home though I have to say, despite all the warnings, I’m glad I had the guts lack of…
10 Things My Toddler Has Taught Me
My son recently turned two and I realised in his short life my toddler has taught me a tonne of stuff. Here are some of my favourite toddler lessons. To laugh at the trees. This was the first lesson he taught me. In those early days when I used to take him for walks in…
My 5 Christmas Fails
So it seems that my 7 tips for surviving Christmas didn’t work out so great after all. So I thought I’d share my five Christmas fails instead. I hope you all fared better. 1. Buying presents that I could in no way understand how to use/ construct. Cue youngster getting very annoyed with me and…
7 Ways To Survive Christmas As A Single Mum
Not sure how you will survive Christmas as a single mum this year? Well then, these tips will surely help. 1. Accept that you will shed a tear or two. It’s hard. All those happy nativity scenes everywhere when your memories more closely resemble a scene from EastEnders. But just remember Mary was technically a single…