Most bloggers write reviews in exchange for free products and experiences, some even get paid for their words. As my blog is unknown niche, I’ve never quite managed such a feat which, whilst slightly disappointing for me, means I get to continue to use this blog as my own personal therapy session and tell the truth…
Articles by Ellamental Mama
A Message From Single Mums To Shaun Bailey
If you’re a single mum worth her salt then you will have seen the comments from the Tory London Mayor candidate – Shaun Bailey – and be suitably incensed. For those not in the know, he’s churning out the tired old stereotypes most people have bored of. The ones about single mothers being after the…
Inside my mind
I’ve struggled with my mental health for about four years now. Quite possibly I was struggling with it before but just managed it much, much better. Over that time some people have made me feel like I should get over it. That I’m not a strong enough woman if I can’t cope with what life…
Holidaying in Wales with Baby, Child and Grandparents
I’ve just spent a week in North Wales with my four year old (A) and two month old (Z), plus nanny and grandpa (and one aunty and her boyfriend for a couple of nights). North Wales – the place renowned for stunning scenery, beautiful beaches and wonderful weather. Well OK, maybe not the latter. As…
Annoying Things Single Mums Hear
I’ve been a single mum for over four years now and I’ve just about heard it all. So, on behalf of all single mums out there, here is a little PSA on what we hate to hear. I’m like a single mum, my husband travels/ studies at the weekend/ is a lazy bum (delete as…
Bonding with my newborn: A story backwards
When you see that new mum rocking it – multitasking and then some – fulfilling every need of their newborn and other children to boot, don’t be fooled. Going through the motions says nothing about what’s going on inside our hearts and heads. Here’s a small snapshot into the bonding process of me and my…
Gestational Diabetes and Induction
It’s less than a week ago that the midwife called to tell me I had gestational diabetes. I was shocked. I hadn’t expected the test to come back positive. I suddenly remembered an article I’d seen about gestational diabetes which had mentioned stillbirth. I mentally decided I wouldn’t google anything incase it was scare mongering.…
Dads, dads, dads. Daddy, daddy, daddy. Papa, baba, tata, abba. It doesn’t matter what way you say it. Kids seem obsessed. My son claims he doesn’t have a daddy. Though I tell him he does. But according to him daddies live with their children. I try to explain people he knows where the daddy doesn’t…
The Third Trimester: Pregnancy as a Solo Mum By Choice
I can’t believe I’m already finally here. It’s been a long old journey; a year or two of contemplating whether I should and could go down this route, about ten months of trying, and (almost!) nine months of actually doing it. And still, I’m yet to meet the baby it’s all been about. I’ve got through trimester one and…
Hypnobirthing affirmations versus the reality
Hypnobirthing affirmations – you either love them or you hate them. This is in no way meant to disrespect those who found hypnobirthing an amazing tool for pregnancy and birth. I’ve heard the stories of babies birthed at home because the mother thought she was only having a few braxton hicks, what with it just…