Have you ever struggled? Really struggled? Sometimes it’s termed depression, but it doesn’t really matter if you give it a label or not, most of us have tough times and chances are that you heard the same kind of advice I did… “You need to ask for help.” “Why don’t you ask people?” “[You] Just…
Articles by Ellamental Mama
Preparing to Share My Love: Expecting A Second Child
I used to scoff at people who wrote about how they didn’t know how they could love another child. How ridiculous I thought. Perhaps – being the last of four – meant I didn’t want to acknowledge that my own parents might have had the same thoughts before my arrival. Now, I’m shitting my pants.…
Guest Post: When Do You Introduce Your Children to a New Partner?
“When do you introduce your children to a new partner?” It’s a common question on single parenting forums the world over. Everyone has their own views. Some introduce new partners quickly – arguing that they want to know whether their children and the new partner will get on, others vow never to introduce a new…
Sperm Bank Adverts and Online Dating: The Similarities and Differences
I’ve learnt a lot since I started on my journey of becoming a solo mum by choice. Sperm bank websites might not traditionally be held up as key cultural reference points, but an alien from outer space could find worst places to learn about a country’s cultural norms than checking out their biggest sperm bank. Whilst the…
Second Trimester Pregnancy As a Solo Mum By Choice
After the nausea and dizziness of the first trimester, I was really holding out for the second trimester to be easier. I remember it being physically pretty easy first time round – it was the emotional side that was a real struggle then. I didn’t relax with my son until I was about 27 weeks…
My Mummy’s Pregnant: A Four Year Old’s Viewpoint
Mummy forgot my scooter when she came to pick me up from nursery today. On the way home she said she had a surprise to tell me when we got back. I wish the surprise had been my scooter. In the end she gave me a piggyback. But I prefer the scooter. When we got…
Pregnancy: First Trimester as a Solo Mum
So, this is it. I’m doing this pregnancy thing. No turning back now. Like many women out there, I’m doing it alone. After seeing the pregnancy line grow darker over the days, it still took me a while to believe that I was actually pregnant and even longer to accept that in less than nine months…
Coming Off Antidepressants When Pregnant
When I first started taking antidepressants, pregnancy was a wishful fantasy. Nevertheless, I made sure I went on one which could be taken in the unlikely event miracle I became pregnant. Fast forward just over a year, and when I first saw my doctor after finding out I was pregnant she raised the issue of my antidepressants.…
I’ve Got Something To Tell You
Those of you who have been reading this blog over the last few months will know I’ve been undergoing fertility treatment. It’s been a long and arduous journey but recently I got to share some good news – finally. I’m pregnant. I still can’t believe I get to write those words, but it’s true. There’s…
Solo Mum By Choice: Attempt Number Six
So here I am, attempt number six is under my belt. I’m writing this as I’m a third of the way through the dreaded two week wait. After the first few days I thought I was doing better than last time. Chilling my way through week one, knowing that I needed to be emotionally strong…