Dear Newly-Divorced-Me, It’s you here, well me – only now I’m three years into this divorce malarky so I’m a bit more clued up than you – the me of yesteryear. I remember the first day you were alone. It was hell. Actually scrap that, hell requires you feel the pain. You were numb and everything…
Articles by Ellamental Mama
When Fertility Treatment Fails
I was trying to work out my dates the other day. They’re scrawled in one of my many notebooks, a simultaneous mess of scribbles and dates. My cycles vary from super short (the stimulated ones) to super long (the aborted stimulated ones) with a few in betweeners (the rare natural cycles I’ve had in recent…
Fertility Treatment, Round Four – Is This The One?
I wanted to call this post fourth time lucky. In the end I opted for a more neutral title, after all I’m never too sure if positive thinking works, or it’s just tempting fate. So here I am, attempt number four. I had a scan on day three to check I could start the process. Gone…
My New Year’s Resolution: When Being Selfish Is Kind
My new year’s resolution this year is clear, simple and to the point. I’m going to be selfish. By the end of last year I was at breaking point (again). Most nights ended up in tears (mine, and occasionally little man’s), I got angry in a way I never wanted to and at times it…
My Writing in Review: 2017
Sometimes losing your voice forces you to find it. When I became a mum words begged to come out of me and I penned my first parenting piece – not surprisingly – about being a first time mum. It was the first time I’d written something personal that was intended for others’ eyes. When I…
Fertility Treatment Failure: Third Time Unlucky
I didn’t mean to give the game away with the title. In fact, when I started writing this post it was entitled Fertility Treatment Failure: Third Time Lucky. I am actually an optimistic person despite recent events. That was before. It’s 1pm. I’m sat on a curb. I’ve just come from the clinic. I’ve been writing…
10 Best Gifts for Single Mums
Know a single parent? Not sure what to get them for Christmas? But you want to get them something they want? Something they really, really want? Look no further, this is the perfect single mum Christmas gift guide with something for all wallets. (I’ve written this for single mums but they are all also perfect…
Childhood Chores For Three Years Old
Is it just me or are there a load of posts going round about the chores that kids can, and should, be doing lately? I thought perhaps I could bring some added insight on this debate as a solo mum. Raising a child alone means doing all the housework, and – ironically – it means…
Fertility Treatment: The Second Go
It was a Monday afternoon. I was looking forward to having the afternoon to catch up on all my daily tasks. But when you’re undergoing fertility treatment you’re at the mercy of your cycle. I went to the loo. There was blood. Shit I thought. I’m doing this already. You see, for the uninitiated amongst…
Planning Your Second Round Of Fertility Treatment
It was supposed to be a lovely day. With expectations like that I guess it can only go wrong. We were having a day out – me, the boy and nanny. As always, it started with us running for the bus. We were going to see a ‘first ballet show’, I wanted my son to…