I’m always saying how people don’t get what it’s like to be a single mum so here’s a day in the life post from me about today – Mother’s Day. I wasn’t really looking forward to it, but actually it wasn’t so bad after all. My single mum’s mother’s day. Sometime in the early hours…
4 Things Single Mums Want For Mother’s Day
Being a single mum is hard. If you know a single mum and you’d like to get her something for mother’s day then look no further. Here’s a conclusive list of what single mums want for mother’s day. 1. For people to stop saying ‘I don’t know how you cope’. The main reason is pretty…
An Honest Review of ‘Make Toddler Stay in Bed’ Clocks
OK, so make toddler stay in bed clocks isn’t actually the technical name, but I don’t want to get sued for libel or something. I’m sure you know the ones I mean. The clocks that claim your little one will stay in bed until a bright sunshine pops up, at which point your little cherub will…
How Breastfeeding Cleansed Me
Trigger warning: this post talks about abuse. When my son was breastfeeding today he pointed at my nipple and said ‘dirty’ (it had kind of wrinkled up). ‘No, it’s clean’, I replied, slightly surprised by his comment but not too phased. Then it struck me, I actually meant it. For the first time in my…
The Emotional Cycle When My Toddler Learnt to Scale His Cot
My toddler learnt to scale his cot. Seriously, why don’t they warn you about this? I think this is on a par with the pain of childbirth. 1. Annoyance. Let’s not underestimate this one folks, it is fucking annoying. You will now spend hours of your life returning them to their cot over and over…
5 Top Tips For Single Parents
People always ask me, “How do you cope”? I hate that question. If I had a choice I’d choose not to bloody well cope. I’d choose to lie in bed every.single.day. But little ones tend to object (trust me, I’ve tried) so I have to cope. But incase you were wondering how, here are my…
Single Mum and Struggling: It’s Not You, It’s Me
Dear son, I’ve been having one of those days today. Well, I’ve been having it most days lately. You know the ones. Where you won’t do anything I ask. Where you run in the opposite direction and climb on the table at every given opportunity. And I just want to scream because it’s so bloody…
10 Things My Toddler Has Taught Me
My son recently turned two and I realised in his short life my toddler has taught me a tonne of stuff. Here are some of my favourite toddler lessons. To laugh at the trees. This was the first lesson he taught me. In those early days when I used to take him for walks in…
Single and Breastfeeding
One of my son’s favourite new phrases is ‘I need milk’. After a particularly hard day I want to reply with ‘I need sleep’! But I don’t. Instead I give him his milk, from my breast, as many times as he requests. I’ve been breastfeeding for two years (and counting). Being single and breastfeeding has been moving,…
The First Time Mum
Being a first time mum is hard. There’s an abundance of books, articles and classes to “prepare” you for motherhood. Yet, despite this, the first weeks (hell, months) are a huge shock for most new mums (and most probably dads, but I don’t have as much experience of that). Being a recent new mum myself here…